About Us...
Want to meet students from other medical schools?
Thinking about a career in research?
Interested in Global Health and Health Policy?
Keen to travel to Asia?​
Fascinated about Asian culture and want to share in the fun and excitement?
Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) is a peak representative organisation for medical students from across Asia, the Asia-Pacific and beyond. First established in 1985, there are now 24 member chapters in Asia and Oceania, including Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. AMSA has representatives for and works closely with WHO, ASEAN, IFMSA and EMSA. These representatives present annual paper reports on the ventures of Asian medical students as well as voicing our views and concerns revolving important issues in Asia and worldwide.
The UK Chapter of AMSA was established in 2006 and comprises of members from universities throughout London and UK. Through AMSA, we offer opportunities to take part in student-led research, mentoring-academic schemes and social events to meet and chat with other medical students. Of course, we accept members from any background and culture.
Throughout the year, we organise various academic and social events. Aside from organising mock OSCEs and tutorials before exams, we also participate in annual scientific-based medical and cultural conferences, namely the Asian Medical Students’ Conference (AMSC) during July/August. Through the Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Program (AMSEP), we have the opportunity to visit other AMSA chapters and host them in London. Our main social events throughout the year include the freshers’ meet and greet, our Christmas dinner and Lunar New Year dinner.

To find out more about AMSA-UK, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For more information, please visit AMSA International's website at: